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Since 1983, the Burnett brothers have built their business around understanding and simplifying a common problem in the water industry: Lime.

Our RE~MIN PROCESS engineering design and consulting services provide your water systems with a new level of control. Using our patented use of CO2, Lime, and mixing, we can achieve results like never before.

City of Labelle, Florida

City of Labelle, Florida


Our Mission

To change the water treatment industry through simple and effective technologies.

The RE~MIN Process extended the life of our system and saved us hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by providing an alternative to expensive chemicals.
— Thomas Flynn, Superintendent at South Blount Utilities

What We've Achieved

  • We offer the only patented lime feed system that is guaranteed to have no clogs or sediment in the tank.
  • Our BurnettCO2 Systems allow 100% absorption compared to other options on the market which only boast of 90% efficiency.
  • The RE~MIN Process is the only in-line Calcium Bicarbonate System ever developed.
  • Burnett service is second to none. 
  • With over 250 CAL~FLO Systems installed, we have achieved superior customer satisfaction.
  • With our national agreement with Chemtrade, we can offer our products and services nationwide.